Talaria’s Integrated Investment Process

March 2024


In this educational video, Talaria Capital CIOs Chad Padowitz and Hugh Selby-Smith provide an in-depth look at our integrated investment process. They share valuable insights applicable across global equity investing:

  • How we effectively screen over 1,800 global securities to identify high-conviction opportunities
  • Utilising a risk-managed options implementation strategy to generate consistent income
  • Constructing a concentrated yet diverse portfolio built to weather different market conditions

After viewing, you’ll take away an overview of an equity investment process combining bottom-up research with innovative risk management. This can serve as a useful framework when evaluating your approach to positioning client portfolios.


Watch the video below and complete the assessment to be awarded 0.25 CPD hours.

Your certificate will be sent via email once you’ve submitted the assessment.


CPD Assessment

* indicates required
What is the idea underpinning Talaria’s investment philosophy?*

Why is the volatility of share prices greater than the volatility of corporate cash flows?*

How does Talaria’s investment strategy differ from pure value investing?*

What three key outcomes does Talaria aim to achieve with their approach?*

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